Baptist Care (NT)

BCNT LogoBaptist Care NT is a ministry of the Baptist Union of the Northern Territory.

Baptist Care NT:
– exists to express God’s love and  aim to do this by meeting people’s needs, whether they be social, emotional, physical or spiritual.
– provides a range of services including direct food support for struggling individuals and families, programs to – encourage self-sufficiency and community development, and advocacy assistance.

This is achieved in partnership with the churches where possible and the wider community where appropriate. 2013/2014 was a year of exceptional growth for Baptist Care, focusing on the further development of Foodbank and in partnership with Casuarina Baptist Church commenced operation of a Food for Life store. Read More…

Baptist Mission Australia

Baptist Mission Australia works with the Australian Baptist Churches to facilitate their engagement in cross-cultural mission through prayer, giving, understanding and going.

Our passion is to see the gift of Jesus embraced by people around the world. With deep compassion and cultural sensitivity, Baptist Mission Australia exists to empower communities to develop their own distinctive ways of following Jesus. Read More…

Baptist World Aid Australia

172x300-bwalogo_colBaptist World Aid Australia dreams of a world where poverty has ended and all people enjoy fullness of life. We believe this is God’s heart for every person on the planet and we praise God as this becomes a reality for children, families, and communities around the world.

You and your church can join with us to ‘be love’ to people living in poverty in Africa, South Asia, South-East Asia and the Pacific by supporting our projects, which are facilitated by indigenous Christian organisations committed to sharing Christ’s love with people living in poverty. Read more…

Australian Baptist Ministries

abmlogo_1000px_thumbAustralian Baptist Ministries is an evangelical movement of churches, State and Territory Baptist Associations and national ministries committed to proclaiming and demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Scriptures. Read more…

National Chair – Rev Dr John Beasy
National Ministries Director – Rev Keith Jobberns
National Treasurer –

Baptist Financial Services

BFSBFS has provided financial solutions for the development of Christian ministry across Australia for over 25 years.

Through good stewardship and responsible management of client funds we provide loans to Churches, schools, aged care and community services to develop their ministries and to help them to build or purchase properties, and repair and upgrade their facilities. We also provide a wide range of savings, term investments and transactional products for our clients financial needs. Read more…


Baptist Insurance Services

BISBaptist Insurance Services is a ministry of the Baptist Union of Australia and operates as a “delegated body” of the National Council. It commenced in 1984 initially in Victoria and then progressively to all other states and territories. It is now a national insurance scheme insuring property and other assets in excess of $3.4 billion and on behalf of over 1200 constituents. Read More…


 Baptist World Alliance

BWAThe Baptist World Alliance is a global movement of Baptists sharing a common confession of faith in Jesus Christ, bonded together by God’s love to support, encourage and strengthen one another, while proclaiming and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit to a lost world. Read More…

Baptist World Alliance
405 North Washington Street Falls Church, VA 22046

 Australian Ethical





crossover-logo-colourCrossover is a national initiative of Australian Baptist Ministries (Baptist Union of Australia) and is committed to:

– Resourcing churches in effective communication of the gospel.
– Equipping pastors and leaders.
– Facilitating mission.              Read more…

State Baptist Unions